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    Idaho - Results Released on Idaho Snow Goose Die Off
    Zinc phosphide is a compound used in rodenticides to control voles and other rodents that damage crops..

    Oklahoma - March is Big Bass Season in Oklahoma
    It's no coincidence record bass are caught mostly in March....

    Arkansas - Third Largest Trout Caught
    Johnston landed a brown trout weighing 38 lbs. 7 oz. on the..

    Oregon - No spring Chinook season on Deschutes River
    Spring Chinook returns to the Deschutes – both wild and hatchery -- have been depressed the last several years...

    Idaho - Twelve Year Old Eagle Idaho Girl Sets World Record
    "I couldn't quit smiling," says Tia. "It was the biggest perch I've seen. I was kind of hoping it was a state record."

    Idaho - Giant Rainbow Trout Caught in North Fork Clearwater
    Their scale put the rainbow at 28.37 pounds. They say it was 32 inches long with an amazing girth of 28.5 inches...

    Minnesota - Winter trout fishing to open for first time on 24 lakes
    Trout fishing on these lakes, which contain stream trout, will be open from Saturday, Jan. 17...

    Oregon - 2015 groundfish rules; barbless hooks still required on lower Willamette
    For the first time since 2004, anglers will be able to retain one canary rockfish...

    Oklahoma - As Weather Cools, Trout Fishing Action Heats Up
    The Wildlife Department has six other designated trout fishing areas where trout stocking...

    Washington - Federal funding cuts lead to reductions in Columbia River hatchery coho, steelhead
    “These recent changes are another blow to recreational anglers and commercial fishers that rely on hatchery coho...

    Oregon - Coho bag limit in the Sandy, Clackamas and lower Willamette
    On several days over the past week more than 250 adult coho passed North Fork Dam...

    Washington - Angler Shatters Tiger Muskie Record
    two sculpin state records also fall...

    Idaho - Managers Raise South Fork Boise to Help Fish
    This window of high water will help recover fish habitat in the South Fork Boise River, one of Southwest Idaho’s most important trout streams...

    Idaho - Severe Weather Impacts South Fork Salmon Chinook
    They were able to save approximately 200 adult Chinook, while an estimated 1,200 were lost....

    Minnesota - DNR simplifies southeastern Minnesota trout regulations
    The regulations extend catch-and-release seasons in eight southeastern Minnesota counties and seven trout streams in Minnesota state parks...

    If you like to fish for trout, southern Utah has lots of opportunities. Among the best is Panguitch Lake....

    Oregon - ODFW pilots new tactic to evaluate fish stocking on Wallowa Lake
    So to further fine tune the sample, a prescribed number of fish will have a reward tag that will earn the lucky angler who catches a tagged fish a $50 reward....

    Oklahoma - Second-Best Year for Florida Largemouth Bass Program
    "Lakes in the southern half of Oklahoma have shown much greater success in sustaining Florida-strain bass...

    Washington - Spring chinook fishery will reopen
    Recreational fishing closed in that area May 9, but fishery managers from Washington and Oregon approved..

    Montana - State approves reintroduction of rare fish to Madison drainage
    Some people voiced concern about suppression or removal of rainbow and brown trout from the Madison...

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