July 26, 24

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Knockout Price For Lake View/Mountain View Home

AD Number: 3439 Area/Region:- Walker Lake

State:- Nevada

Price:- $159,900.00
Sellers ID: onecoyote
View seller's other ADs.

Phone: 775-945-9854

Walker Lake, Nevada is 2 hours south of Reno. Beautiful forgotten lake area that is stocked with Lahontan Cutthroat Trout and is smooth as glass for water skiing/boating. 1200 sq ft., 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, 1 car garage plus workshop. RV full hookup and covered boat storage. Truss metal roof with steel siding, auto sprinkler system, lots of brick patio space and best of all 60 ft+ of second story decking with fantastic views of Walker Lake(second largest lake in Nevada)and of 12,000 foot Mt. Grant.

Category: Recreational, Fishing & Mountain Properties: Lake Homes & Property

Seller's Info:
Member Name: onecoyote
View seller's other ADs.
Phone: 775-945-9854

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