February 19, 25

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Tahoe foothill Lodge

AD Number: 3098 Area/Region:- Gardnerville

State:- Nevada

Price:- $3,500,000.00
Sellers ID: wyman
View seller's other ADs.

Phone: 775-230-4303

This residence offers wonderful details that include a striking hand selected floor to ceiling mason fireplace, honed granite counter tops, custom antiqued wall treatments, oversized log accents and intriguing nature vanities&to name a few.

One of a kind furnishings include reclaimed wagon wheel tables, leather sofas draped in furs and kilims, an authentic hand carved 72 cigar Indian, and a 25 year bow and arrow captured 63 Moose Head mount, create a glorious ambient to the already inviting space.

Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 3.95 Living Area: 6300 Lot Size: 2.83

Custom Builder  Mark Wyman Wyman Development Corporation (775) 783-0930 www.wymandev.com Sales contact: 775.230.4303 wymandevelopmentgroup@gmail.com

Category: Recreational, Fishing & Mountain Properties: Cabins

Seller's Info:
Member Name: wyman
View seller's other ADs.
Phone: 775-230-4303

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