: Big Lost River: Flow out of Mackay Reservoir has been raised step wise to over 500 cfs,. This is being done to provide room in the reservoir to collect runoff and potentially for doing repairs on the dam. Wading the river below the dam is extremely dangerous and not productive for fishing for now.
Reported by: Jimmy's All Season angler
Lures & Spinners
About: -
Below Mackay Reservoir is where the Big Lost River becomes a
quality tailwater fishery. As the river flows toward the town of Mackay the
scenery changes dramatically. Present along the river are tall cottonwoods and
lush grassland. The waters in this section can be crystal clear and much of the
river is seldom wider the 20-30 feet across. Seasoned anglers favor light
tippets and many love the finesse required to fish the river. Fishing
conditions are pretty much predicated by the fluctuation in water flow. (more on fishing the
Big Lost River)