July 26, 24

Camper For Rent Wanted

AD Number: 3013 Area/Region:- Roscommon

State:- Michigan

Price:- $500.00
Sellers ID: 111111
View seller's other ADs.

Phone: (734) 564-4305

For the past three years, we have been able to rent (for a week) a 25 camper from someone nearby Higgins Lake. They bring it to the campground, set it up and haul it away. Fully loaded with propane, water, cooking utensils. If you would like to put your idle camper to use for a week - we promise to treat it like our own. Please call: 734 564 4305.

Category: RV's, Motor Homes, Travel Trailers, Campers: RV Rentals

Seller's Info:
Member Name: 111111
View seller's other ADs.
Phone: (734) 564-4305

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