July 26, 24

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Ever dream of owning your own harbor?

AD Number: 3790 Area/Region:- Los Molinos

State:- California

Price:- $979,500.00
Sellers ID: Jan Elmore
View seller's other ADs.

Phone: 530-519-2029

How about 8.86 acres on the upper Sacramento River in Northern Calif? Fully permitted harbor & docks. Small rv park operation with use permit. Rebuild any structures...say a riverview home or new clubhouse or office building. Last of it's kind on the river. Easy fishing from your own harbor; the salmon and steelhead and sturgeon are waiting for you!

Category: Recreational, Fishing & Mountain Properties: Marinas

Seller's Info:
Member Name: Jan Elmore
View seller's other ADs.
Phone: 530-519-2029

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