July 26, 24

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Hunt, Fish, Snowmobile by Yellowstone National Park

AD Number: 3032 Area/Region:- Silver Gate

State:- Montana

Price:- $2,000,000.00
Sellers ID: cnmoney
View seller's other ADs.

Phone: 4065393405

Do you like to hunt in the most beautiful country with a large variety of trophy wildlife like Elk, Deer, Moose, Bear, Buffalo and more? How about fish a blue ribbon river and mountain lakes with access to some of the top fishing spots in the world like the World Renown Yellowstone River? Perhaps you want to race the trails on your snowmobile in peace and serenity with over 100 miles of groomed trails and 200,000 acres of perpetual winter wonderland? Look no further you have found it. The Grizzly Lodge gives you year around recreation with Yellowstone National Park a half mile away and forest service just a few 100 feet away. You are surrounded on 3 sides by the Soda Butte River a few feet from your back door with commodities of a small town just a few feet away. Call today to setup an appointment to see one of the finest deeded pieces of real estate by a National Park!

Category: Recreational, Fishing & Mountain Properties: Bed & Breakfast Inns

Seller's Info:
Member Name: cnmoney
View seller's other ADs.
Phone: 4065393405

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