February 16, 25

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AD Number: 3007 Area/Region:- Berryville

State:- Arkansas

Price:- $40,000.00
Sellers ID: lehmanproperties
View seller's other ADs.

Phone: 479-464-0696

$40,000-$80,000. Come build your dream cabin on the Scenic King's River. Phase I and II are complete with riverfront and non-riverfront lots available. Small mouth trophy fishing. Riverside at Shady Grove is located only 15 minutes from Historic Downtown Eureka Springs. State approved for septic, wells already drilled. Convenient distance to stores, paved road to property. www.riverside-shadygrove.com or call 479-464-0696 for more information on lots and cabins.

Category: Recreational, Fishing & Mountain Properties: Riverfront Property Lehman Properties

Seller's Info:
Member Name: lehmanproperties
View seller's other ADs.
Phone: 479-464-0696

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