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Oregon Fishing Report

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Rogue River Sponsored by
Date 13-Aug-24
Water Condition
Water Temperature  

Conditions : ROGUE RIVER: Lower - Steelhead fishing has been slow in the lower river. "Half-pounder" steelhead have started to move upstream. This year the hatchery return of "half pounders" is expected to be below average due to fewer fish being released this spring. Half pounders are immature steelhead that return to the river after only a few months in the ocean. These fish usually run 12 to 15 inches. ?
Chinook numbers in the bay have picked up and anglers are having pretty good success. Most of the fish are still being caught downstream of Hwy 101. Most anglers are trolling flashers and anchovies, but anglers trolling straight anchovies or putting a spinner blade in front of the anchovy are catching fish. This week the Curry Anadromous Fisherman derby is running from Aug. 7 - 10. Anglers can expect a few more boats on the water.?
This year the ocean is open to salmon fishing through Aug. 31. The regulations on gear type and legal salmon that can be kept is different in the ocean than the river. The two big differences and reasons anglers will get a game violation while fishing in the ocean are 1) fishing with more than two single point hooks in the ocean, barbed hooks in the ocean, and 2) having Chinook salmon under 24 inches in the boat while fishing in the ocean.?

Middle - Flow in Grants Pass is about 1,700 cfs with a water temperature of around 66F. ?
There are no reports again this week for this section of the Rogue but summer steelhead and trout are the best bets in this section of the Rogue right now as most spring Chinook are upriver and not many more are expected to come out of the canyon. A few more summer steelhead have been reported so fly-fishing or a Blue Fox spinner might catch one of those.? Last updated 8/7/24.

Upper - The upper Rogue above Dodge Bridge to the hatchery is now closed to Chinook angling. Anglers can still fish for Chinook downstream of Dodge Bridge which should have a few fish available. ?
Best bets for the upper river are summer steelhead and trout. Fly-fishing and spinners are the preferred methods this time of year. Fishing is a little slow right now for summer steelhead but should get better as we head into August. ?
The release from Lost Creek is 1,700 CFS and the river temperature is 54F. ?

The Rogue above Lost Creek is open for fishing and with flows dropping fishing has been good. Stocking has taken place and will continue weekly but access to Minnehaha was blocked by downed trees so that site hasn't been stocked yet this year. Check with the Forest Service regarding open campgrounds.?

Reported by: Oregon D.F.W

Hatches: Patterns Lures & Spinners

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  • Chinook
  • Steelhead
  • Rainbow Trout

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