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  • Kansas Outdoor News

    Location: Kansas

    STOCKTON — To enhance the Kansas trout fishing experience, the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) stocked 500 rainbow trout in the South Fork Solomon River above Webster Reservoir on March 9. Flows in the river have been adequate, and anglers should enjoy this exciting challenge, which area biologists provide whenever the river flows well. As with last year, only one site will be stocked; however, it has been extended to 1 mile upstream of the low-water crossing and 1/2 mile downstream of the crossing.

    Wading and drifting power bait and salmon eggs into holes and under logs, brushpiles, and other habitat is a highly effective method for fishing river rainbow trout. Artificial lures — such as spinners, small spoons, and flies — are also very effective, and running spinners in current near woody habitat often yields a full creel. To use this method, cast a spinner downstream and work it into position under and around prime habitat, then hold it in place and let the current work the spinner blade. Fly fishing can also be productive, especially with flashy patterns in streamer-type flies.

    This stretch of the South Fork Solomon River between the Damar Blacktop and Webster Reservoir is classified as a Type 2 trout water, meaning that during trout season — Oct. 15-April 15 — a trout permit is required for anglers fishing for or possessing trout. The exception is that youth younger than 16 may fish without a permit but are limited to a daily creel limit of two trout, or they can keep five per day if they possess a permit. In addition, all residents 16 through 64 years of age and nonresidents 16 and older must have a valid fishing license.

    Anglers fishing for or possessing only species other than trout in this stretch of river during trout season are not required to have a trout permit. All anglers may fish for and possess trout without a permit once the season ends April 15, but the five-fish creel limit still applies.

    For more information, phone district fisheries biologist Mark A. Shaw, at 785-425-6775.


    PRATT — Warming water temperatures and rising rivers are signaling the opening of the Kansas paddlefish season, which runs March 15-May 15 at a number of areas in eastern Kansas. Once water temperatures near 60 degrees, paddlefish make the annual spawning run. Some snagging areas, such as the Neosho River in Chetopa, require a rise in the river level for paddlefish to be present.

    Paddlefish may be taken on posted areas inside Chetopa and Burlington city parks on the Neosho River, on the Neosho River at Iola, downstream from the dam to the city limits, on the Marais des Cygnes River downstream from the Osawatomie Dam to the posted boundary, and on the Marais des Cygnes River on the upstream boundary of Marais des Cygnes Wildlife Area and downstream to the Kansas-Missouri border.

    Paddlefish may be snagged using pole and line with not more than two single or treble hooks. Barbless hooks must be used in Chetopa City Park. Catch and release is allowed in Burlington, Chetopa, and Iola, except that once attached to a stringer, a fish becomes part of the daily creel limit. The daily creel limit for paddlefish is two, and the season limit is six. On the Missouri River boundary waters, there is a 24-inch minimum length limit. There is a 34-inch minimum length limit on Marias des Cygnes River.

    A paddlefish permit — $12.50 for those 16 and older, $7.50 for youth 15 and younger — includes six carcass tags. Immediately upon attaching a fish to a stringer, the angler must sign a carcass tag; record the county, date, and time of harvest; and attach the carcass tag to the lower jaw of the paddlefish taken. Anglers must stop snagging once the daily creel limit of two paddlefish is reached.

    Paddlefish caught outside the paddlefish season or in non-snagging areas may be kept if they are hooked in the mouth.

    Nonsport fish (carp, drum, grass carp, threadfin and gizzard shad, goldfish, gar, suckers including carpsucker and buffalo, goldeye, and bowfin) may also be snagged in waters posted open to snagging during the paddlefish season. There are no limits on nonsport fish.

    News Source: Kansas DWP - Mar. 10, 2011

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