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  • Minnesota Outdoor News

    Experimental sunfish regulations extended on portion of Mississippi River
    Location: Minnesota

    An experimental regulation limiting anglers to 10 sunfish taken from the Mississippi River adjacent to Houston, Winona and Wabasha Counties will be extended another five years, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has announced.

    Continuing the special regulation, which has been in effect since 2001, was supported by 65 percent of anglers participating in a 2009 public input process. The regulation is aimed at maintaining and increasing the number of sunfish longer than seven inches in Pools 5, 5A and 8 of the Mississippi. It will remain in effect until April 1, 2015.

    Impacts of the regulation have been difficult to measure due to a threefold increase in sunfish populations during the post-regulation period, and variable climatic conditions that affect angler effort, said Lake City DNR fisheries Manager Kevin Stauffer.

    However, information collected during the pre- and post-regulation periods suggests that when sunfish populations are relatively low, angler harvest can significantly reduce numbers of larger sunfish, and that restrictive regulations like this one can protect those populations from excessively high rates of exploitation.

    DNR temporarily closes roads and trails in state forests‏

    Because of wet, soft trail conditions, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is temporarily closing trails in the Pine Island, Smokey Bear, Koochiching and Kabetogama state forests to off-highway vehicle travel.T he early spring break-up and unseasonable weather have resulted in frost coming out of the ground earlier than normal. Most state forest roads will remain open to OHVs under 1,500 pounds, but users should check the DNR Web site for information. The closure will remain in effect until sometime in May depending on weather conditions.

    Road and trail condition information is updated every Thursday by 2 p.m. and available online at or at by clicking on “Current Conditions” or by calling the DNR Information Center at 651-296-6157 or toll-free 888-MINN DNR (646-6367). “The DNR will check roads and trails often and will re-open them just as soon as possible,” said Brian Leitinger, the DNR’s area forester in Littlefork.

    News Source: Minnesota DNR - Mar. 23, 2010

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