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  • Idaho Outdoor News

    Commission Ups Steelhead Limit on Salmon River
    Location: Idaho

    The Idaho Fish and Game Commission Thursday, March 18, approved a proposal to increase the limit on steelhead in the Salmon River drainage.

    Anglers may now buy a second steelhead card that allows them to catch and keep 40 steelhead, in addition to the 40 fish on the first card, allowing a total of 80 steelhead statewide for the spring season.

    The increased limit applies only to waters within the Salmon River drainage now open to steelhead fishing.

    Those waters include the Salmon River from its mouth upstream to the posted boundary 100 yards downstream from the Sawtooth Fish Hatchery weir, near the town of Stanley, and the Little Salmon River from its mouth upstream to the U.S. Highway 95 bridge near Smokey Boulder Road.

    All anglers fishing for steelhead, even catch-and-release, must have a valid 2010 fishing license and steelhead permit. The daily limits for steelhead trout is five, no more than three may be 32 or more inches in total length. The possession limit is 15, no more than nine may be 32 or more inches long.

    Steelhead anglers must stop fishing – even catch-and-release – when the bag limit is reached. Anglers must use barbless hooks, and can keep only hatchery steelhead marked with a clipped adipose fin. All other steelhead must be released unharmed immediately.

    Steelhead limits in other waters have not changed. For complete rules, see the steelhead section in the 2008-2010 Fishing Seasons and Rules, or go online to:

    News Source: Idaho F&G - Mar. 19, 2010

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