South Central Washington: WDFW has been stocking in the region for months. A complete trout-planting schedule for south central lakes and ponds is available on the region's catchable trout plant reporting page.Bass, catfish and walleye heating up: Catch rates should continue to improve on area rivers for smallmouth bass, channel catfish and walleye through spring. Some of the years best fishing for channel catfish will be in May in the Yakima, Palouse, and Walla Walla rivers.
Sturgeon: The annual quotas for sturgeon harvest have been met for the Columbia River downstream of McNary Dam but Lake Wallula (McNary Reservoir) will remain open to the retention of sturgeon through July 31.
Sturgeon sanctuary areas go into effect on May 1. These areas, located immediately downstream of all the Columbia River Dams from Priest Rapids to Bonneville, and including Ice Harbor Dam on the Snake River, are closed to all fishing for sturgeoneven catch and releasefrom May 1 through July 31. Check the Washington Sport Fishing Rules for a detailed description of the closures.